I am currently a graphic design student. This project was made for school, here is part of it.
It describes how my design interconnects with nature and the environment around me. To live to my fullest potential I strive to find our connection to Mother Nature's elements: air, fire, water, earth.
Travelling all over the world, shaping and transforming every particle she touches. Mother Nature this element to create and carry new concepts. Water, guided by its cosmic memory is an infinite source of knowledge. The force of water drives her ability to adapt.
Air is the manifestation of movement, communication and intelligence. This element transports information from all dimensions. it provides a listening ability to Mother Nature, which in turn enables her to communicate with cleanness, frankness and straightforwardness. the details that Air carries to her consciousness guide her to be attentive.
Soil gives Mother Nature the possibilities to create and to make life grow. She gives birth to new ideas and she renews the old with fresh concepts. She is fertile and grounded. Her roots are solid as a rock, you can count on her.
Mother Nature uses the power of fire to warm up the energy around her. This allows her to transmute the material world and to give life to new shapes. Her fire designs the environment in a beautiful and sometimes unexpected way.